ga event gtag
ga event gtag


How can I track and send custom events with the new ...

2022年5月12日—HowcanItrackandsendcustomeventswiththenewGoogleAnalytics4(gtag....//Eventga('send','event',eventAction:'click ...

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event tracking in google analytics using gtag.js

2018年10月25日 — I have single page application in Angular. There is a login button in the application. I wanted to track how many users are logged in using GA.


The event command (used with the Google tag) sends event data to Google advertising and measurement products. The prototype for an event command is as follows:.

How can I track and send custom events with the new ...

2022年5月12日 — How can I track and send custom events with the new Google Analytics 4 (gtag. ... // Event ga('send', 'event', eventAction: 'click ...

Master Event Tracking with Google Tag for ...

5 天前 — There is a maximum of 40 characters for event names and 25 parameters per event. To test this, you must download and enable the Google Analytics ...

Set up events

2024年4月10日 — This guide shows you how to set up recommended events and custom events on your website using the Google tag (gtag.js) or Google Tag Manager.

[GA4] Set up Google Analytics 4 events with Tag Manager

To set up an event using Google Tag Manager, you will configure a Google Analytics: GA4 Event tag and then create a trigger that specifies when you want to send ...

[UA→GA4] 從analytics.js 切換至gtag.js 的訣竅

本文旨在協助網站擁有者瞭解通用Analytics (分析) 資源的analytics.js 如何對應至Google Analytics (分析) 4 資源的gtag.js,以及提供更詳盡的導入指南。

詳解Google Analytics 4 事件追蹤——自訂事件(硬編碼gtag)

2023年2月6日 — 這一篇介紹通過硬編碼去對GA4做自訂事件追蹤。 認識硬編碼. 硬編碼方法就直接在程式裡添加gtag事件代碼,這種方法也叫gtag方法。


2019年5月27日 — 事件在Google Analytics內算是相當重要的一項功能,但許多人在接觸GA時可能不會是最先使用到的功能。這是因為事件並不是透過安裝預設的追蹤碼就會啟用 ...


2018年10月25日—IhavesinglepageapplicationinAngular.Thereisaloginbuttonintheapplication.IwantedtotrackhowmanyusersareloggedinusingGA.,Theeventcommand(usedwiththeGoogletag)sendseventdatatoGoogleadvertisingandmeasurementproducts.Theprototypeforaneventcommandisasfollows:.,2022年5月12日—HowcanItrackandsendcustomeventswiththenewGoogleAnalytics4(gtag....//Eventga('send','event',eventAction:'click ......